News & Achievements

Marching on Foot: A Lesson for 2024 Freshmen of XMU Xiang’an Campus

September 12, 2024

On September 9, 2024 freshmen of XMU Xiang'an Campus embarked on a military training hike. At 5:40 am, the participating students gathered on the South Square of Dewang Library.

At 6:00 am, accompanied by instructors and teachers, each company set out from the South Gate in turn, following the marching sequence, and headed towards the Xiangshan along the Xiang'an South Road, covering a total distance of approximately 10.5 kilometers.

During the hike, the students maintained high morale, encouraged each other and finally reached the end with great perseverance.

This hiking exercise primarily focused on practicing rapid marching, traversing rural roads, climbing hills, switching marching formations, using simple signals, passing orders, and organizing rest breaks.

The military training was an valuable lesson, strengthening students’national defense awareness. The participating students honed their perseverance, resilience, and the spirit of mutual help and assistance. The training also fostered a good discipline of obeying orders and instructions, helping the freshmen make a solid start to their university life.

Written By: Yang Jiaqi

Edited By: Zhou Jiawen, Huang Jingyao

Photos By: Zhong Xun, Chen Yuhao, Wu Xuanjvn