发布时间:2022年01月01日 点击数:

第一章  总则

第一条  为规范学生住宿管理,强化学生公寓的育人功能,根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》《高等学校学生行为准则》及《厦门大学章程》和《厦门大学学生违纪处分规定》等有关规定,结合翔安校区(以下简称校区)实际,制订本行为规范。

第二条  本行为规范所称的“学生公寓”和“学生宿舍”,是指由学校确定的,在校区内用于安排学生住宿的场所,是人员密集的集体生活场所,是学生在校期间学习、生活和交流的主要场所,是对学生进行思想政治教育和道德行为养成的重要阵地。

第三条  本行为规范适用于校区学生公寓内所有在住学生,包括:学校计划内招收的中国籍全日制学生(简称“计划内学生”,含本科生、硕士生、博士生和有合作协议的校际交流生);各类延期毕业学生;学校计划外招收的学生(简称“计划外学生”,含国际学院自主招收的学生、各培养单位自行接受的来校学习或培训的各类学生);各类国际学生。

第二章  入住、调宿、退宿管理

第四条  根据国情、校情和学生教育管理要求,校区公寓办原则上遵循男女分楼栋住宿、同一学院学生相对集中住宿安排住宿。硕士生、博士生、延期毕业学生、计划外学生和国际学生实行申请住宿制。

第五条  学生每人分配一个床位,入住时须与校区公寓办签订学生公寓入住承诺书。

第六条  学生应当按规定在学校安排的学生公寓床位住宿。因个人原因需要在校外住宿的,应当向培养单位报告详细的住宿地址,提交校外住宿承诺书,经培养单位批准后,报公寓办备案。校外住宿地址变更的,应当及时向培养单位报告并向公寓办备案。

第七条  学生因个人原因需要申请调宿的,应当按照学校规定的流程申请办理,不得私自调换。学生主动申请调宿的,原则上一个学年内只能调整一次且必须服从学校安排。

第八条  学生不得从事床位出租、出借行为。有下列行为的,视为出租、出借行为:



第九条  有如下情形之一的,学生应当积极配合学校的安排:








第十条  有如下情形之一的,学生应当办理退宿手续:







第十一条  学生退宿时有义务保证原有设施设备无人为损坏,确保宿舍干净整洁,经物业管理人员检查合格后,办理相应手续并带走全部个人物品,并不得随意遗弃物品在宿舍内。


第三章  收费与公共资产管理

第十二条  学生入住需缴纳相关费用。住宿费一般按学年收取。住宿费收费标准由价格主管部门批准,由财务部门实施收费管理,开具财政部统一印制的中央非税收入统一票据或电子票据作为收款凭证。

第十三条  学生按照“先缴费,后入住”的原则办理入住。

第十四条  招生计划外学生、国际生应当根据物业要求缴纳住宿押金,住宿押金标准由物业部门报学校财务处审定后收取。

第十五条  学生不得随意改变公寓内及楼栋公共区域家具等设施设备的摆放位置及功能。确有需要,应当向公寓办提出申请。

第十六条  学生应当爱护公共资产,合理使用公共服务设施。损坏或不能正常使用的,应当及时报修。人为因素损坏的,责任人应当赔偿相应的损失,包括但不限于设施设备的价值、维修的费用及其他因此需要支出的交通运输、搬运服务等费用。

第十七条  学生有义务配合、协助学生公寓管理工作人员对宿舍内及公共区域设施设备的检查、维修等工作。

第四章  宿舍与公共安全管理

第十八条  学生入住应当遵守中国法律法规和校纪校规,不得有违反国家法律法规的行为,不得在公寓区内从事宗教活动。应当自觉维护学生公寓安全,自觉学习与遵守各项安全管理规定,增强消防安全意识、防盗意识和法制意识,妥善管理个人财产,提高安全防范能力、自我管理能力和自救逃生能力。

第十九条  学生应当配合学校开展消防安全与卫生检查;有义务参加学校组织的疏散演练等安全教育培训活动,未经允许不得缺席。

第二十条  学生不得在学生公寓园区内持有、存放危险物品。本行为规范所称的“危险物品”包括:





第二十一条  学生在学生公寓内须遵守校区电器使用管理规定。










第二十二条  学生在学生公寓园区内不得私拉电线。本规范所称的“私拉电线行为”包括:






第五章  公共秩序与文化建设

第二十三条  学生应当互相尊重,团结友爱,自觉维护公共秩序,共同营造积极、向上、健康、有序的学生公寓文化氛围,发现住宿违规行为应当加以劝阻或报告。

第二十四条  计划内本科学生和参照本科生管理的计划外学生、国际生的学生公寓实行熄灯断电制度,熄灯断电时间为0:006:00(节假日、考试周另行调整)。

第二十五条  学生应当遵守学生公寓晚归晚出登记制度。0:00-6:00出入学生公寓楼栋及园区的,需要出示有效证件并进行登记。

第二十六条  学生应当遵守学生公寓访客管理制度。访客可于每日8:00-12:3014:30-20:00两个时段在被访学生陪同下登记进入宿舍,并最迟于当日22:00前离开。

第二十七条  学生应当遵守学生公寓门禁管理制度。学生出入学生公寓园区必须按规定验证身份,不得尾随。严禁翻栏杆、窗户、阳台进出学生公寓楼栋及园区。

第二十八条  学生应当自觉保持良好的学生公寓内部卫生和公共区域环境卫生,公共场所(含楼道)不得堆放私人物品。

第二十九条  禁止在学生公寓园区内饲养或容留动物,禁止向流浪动物投喂食物。学生发现流浪动物应当及时报告校区保卫办。

第三十条  学生应当按照规定分类投放垃圾,不得随意抛弃、倾倒、堆放垃圾。


第三十二条  学生不得私自在学生公寓内从事商业活动。

第三十三条  学生不得在学生公寓内吸烟、喝酒,不得大声喧哗,影响他人生活、学习、休息。

第三十四条  学生使用学生公寓共享交流空间应当遵守管理规定,保证空间的干净整洁与设施完整性,并配合空间管理人员的调配安排与监督。

第六章  奖惩

第三十五条  校区积极开展创建文明宿舍活动,表扬先进,督促后进,对表现突出的宿舍集体和个人予以表彰。


第三十六条  培养单位负责将学生在学生公寓内的行为表现记入学生学年鉴定、第二课堂成绩单等档案材料,作为组织发展、推优评优等依据之一。

第三十七条  对学生在学生公寓的违规违纪、违反本规范的行为采取现场劝阻纠正、书面告诫、通报批评、限制用电、强制社区劳动、取消住宿资格和纪律处分等教育方式。

第三十八条  对违反本行为规范,但尚不足以构成违纪的,由公寓管理人员或培养单位工作人员进行提醒、劝阻、纠正和记录;当事人拒不改正的,由公寓办给予书面告诫并通报学生所在培养单位,或由培养单位给予书面告诫、通报批评,并向公寓办报备。

第三十九条  针对学生在学生公寓的下列违规违纪行为,可对相关宿舍予以限制用电之处罚:





第四十条  对学生在学生公寓的下列违规违纪行为,可强制该生进行学生公寓社区劳动:




第四十一条  对申请住宿制学生在学生公寓的下列违规违纪行为,学校可对该生予以取消住宿资格之处罚:




第四十二条  学生在学生公寓内违反《厦门大学学生违纪处分规定》的,给予相应的纪律处分。

第四十三条  学生在学生公寓园区内有涉嫌违法情形的,由保卫办配合公安机关处理。

第七章 附则

第四十四条  校区有关学生公寓管理的其他文件中与本规定条款不一致的,随即废止,以本规定为准。

第四十五条  本规定由校区学生办/公寓办负责解释。

第四十六条  本规定自202211日起施行。

Xiamen University Xiang’an Campus Accommodation Regulation 


Part I. General Introduction

  1. These regulations are designed to ensure that students' accommodation and surrounding areas are a safe and comfortable environment for living and learning and have been formulated in relation to the Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education, Guidelines for Student Conduct in Institutions of Higher Education, Guidelines for Xiamen University and the actual situation of Xiang’an Campus.

  2. The term “student apartment” or “student dormitory”, refers to the place determined by the school to be available for accommodation in the campus. It is a community lifestyle area, the main area for studying, living and communicating, and is an important platform for regular ideological, political education and morality education.

  3. These regulations apply to all students living in the student apartment, including full-time students enrolled in the school plan (referred to as planned students, including undergraduates, masters, doctoral students and inter-school exchange students with cooperation agreements), students enrolled outside the school plan (referred to as unplanned students, including students admitted by the International College, students who are independently admitted by colleges or other education units) and international students.


Part II. Management of Check in, Accommodation and Check out

  1. According to national conditions, school conditions and student education management requirements, accommodation arrangements follow the principle of different gender in separate buildings and relatively concentrated accommodation for students of the same college. Graduate students, unplanned students and international students require an application for admission.

  2. Only one accommodation unit is allocated to one occupant, and a commitment letter for occupancy in the student apartment must be signed.

  3. According to regulations, students shall be accommodated in the student apartment units arranged by the school. Those who are necessary to live off-campus for personal reasons, should report the detailed residential address to the training or education unit and summit an off-campus accommodation commitment, after the approval of the training or education unit, then reported to the student accommodation affairs office. If the address varied, students who live off-campus should report the detailed residential address to the training or education unit and also reported to the student accommodation affairs office.

  4. Students who apply for changing the room due to personal reasons shall submit an application in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the school. Changing dormitory without permission is not allowed. In principle, students who apply for changing accommodation on their own initiative, can only be adjusted once in a year, and they should obey the arrangements of the school.

  5. Students are not allowed to rent or lend their accommodation units. The following acts will be defined as renting or lending an accommodation unit:

    (1) The student himself releases the information of renting or leading accommodation unit;

    (2) No rental information has been released to the public, but the residence of the accommodation unit is non-registered after verification.

  6. Under any of the following circumstances, the school may adjust the student’s accommodation unit. Students shall cooperate and obey the arrangements:

    (1) Student has been diagnosed with an infectious disease that should be isolated;

    (2) Projects such as energy saving, emission reduction, sanitation and epidemic prevention;

    (3) Assembly of accommodation during the winter and summer vacations;

    (4) Adjust of the accommodation of postponed graduate students;

    (5) Renovating and maintaining student apartments or related buildings;

    (6) Adjustments affected by the overall school plan;

    (7) Other circumstances that need to be adjusted.

  7. In any of the following situations, occupants should go through the check-out procedures:

    (1) Those who apply for check-out on their own initiative;

    (2) Being disqualified from accommodation;

    (3) Those who have left the school for more than (included) 180 days for reasons such as studying abroad, applying for military service, or being suspended from school;

    (4) Termination of school status due to withdrawal, transfer, graduation, expulsion, etc;

    (5) International students leaving due to the expiry of visa or residence permit;

    (6) Others who should check out in accordance with regulations and requirements.

  8. Students are obliged to ensure that the facilities and equipment are normal and keep the room clean when they check out. After checking of property management staff while check out procedures were completed, all personal belongings should be taken away.

    Those who check out must complete the check-out procedures and moves out of the dormitory within the prescribed time limit, or else, the school may limit the usage of electricity. If students don’t move out of the dormitory within three days after the limitation of electricity, the school may forcibly clean up the personal belongings and their articles occupying the accommodation unit illegally, and the consequences shall be borne by themselves.


Part III. Management of Fees and Public Asset

  1. Students are required to pay relevant fees when they move in. The accommodation fee standard is approved by the competent price department, the financial department implements the fee management, and a central non-tax revenue unified bill or electronic bill will be printed as the receipt certificate.

  2. Accommodation fees are generally charged on an academic year basis. Check-in students should follow the principle of pay first, then check in.

  3. Unplanned students and international students shall consciously pay a deposit. The deposit shall be collected by the property department after being approved by the school finance department.

  4. Students should not change the placement and functions of furniture and other facilities in the apartment or the public areas of the building. An application should be submitted to the management department if there is a need.

  5. Students should take care of public assets and use public service facilities reasonably. If facilities cannot be used due to damage or other reasons, it should be reported in time. In case of human factors, the responsible person shall compensate for the loss included the cost of the facilities, the service cost, transportation cost and etc.

  6. Students who live in the dormitory have the obligation to cooperate and assist the manager of the student apartment to inspect and maintain facilities or equipment in the dormitory and public areas.


Part IV.  Management of Dormitory and Public Safety

  1. Students shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations, school discipline and rules, and shall not violate the laws and regulations of China. Students shall not engage in any religious activities in the accommodation area. Students should consciously maintain the safety of student apartments, consciously learn and abide by safety management regulations, enhance fire safety awareness, anti-theft awareness, and legal awareness, properly manage personal property, and improve safety prevention capabilities, self-management capabilities, and self-rescue escape capabilities.

  2. Students should cooperate with the school's fire safety and environmental health inspections; students are obliged to participate in safety education and training activities such as evacuation drills organized by the school, and must not be absent without permission.

  3. Students are not allowed to carry or store dangerous goods in the student residence area. The term dangerous goods  include:

    (1) Controlled knives, firearms and ammunition;

    (2) dangerous chemicals;

    (3) flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and radioactive materials;

    (4) Other dangerous goods that are easy to hurt others and have hidden risks.

  4. Students must abide by the campus electrical appliances management regulations in the student apartment. Students must not use offending appliances, including:

    (1) High-power electrical appliances of 1000W and above;

    (2) Electrical appliances without national CCC certification (China Compulsory Product Certification).

    (3) Electric appliances such as electric heating rods, electric stoves, electric blankets;

    (4) Electric appliances without automatic power-off protection devices;

    (5) Cooking utensils such as electric rice cookers, microwave ovens, and induction cookers;

    (6) Batteries for storage vehicles such as electric vehicles;

    (7) Other restricted-use electrical appliances without a license.

    Students can use appliances such as hair dryers, electric kettles, refrigerators, and washing machines that meet the national CCC certification (China Compulsory Product Certification) and have a power of less than 1000W. To use the above appliances, students must apply to the management of the student apartment, receive guidance and education on the proper use of appliances, and sign a safety commitment.

  5. Students are not allowed to connect wires individually in the student residence park. The “private wire connect” mentioned in these regulations includes:

    (1) Connecting wires from fixed-use sockets for other purposes;

    (2) Connecting wires from locations other than fixed sockets;

    (3) Connecting the wire from the fixed socket in the room to the outside of the room;

    (4) Connecting power from outside the dormitory;

    (5) Other acts of connecting wires that cause hidden dangers.


Part V. Public Order and Cultural Construction

  1. Students should respect each other, unite and caring others. Students should consciously maintain public order, and create a positive, healthy, and orderly atmosphere in the student apartment together. Any violation of accommodation should be discouraged or reported.

  2. Undergraduate students in the plan, unplanned students under the management of undergraduates, and international students' apartment will implement a power-off system. The power-off time will be from 0:00 to 6:00 (will be adjusted on holidays and exam weeks).

  3. Students should abide by the student apartment registration system. From 0: 00 to 6: 00, students who enter and exit the student apartment building and the surrounding area need to register and present a valid ID.

  4. Students should abide by the student apartment visitor management system. Visitors can enter the student apartment under accompanying of students during 8: 00-12: 30 and 14: 30-20: 00, and must left before 22:00.

  5. Students should abide by the student apartment access control system. Students entering and exiting the student apartment area must verify their own identity card in accordance with regulations. It is strictly forbidden to enter and exit the student apartment building and surroundings area through the fences, windows and balconies.

  6. Students should consciously maintain good internal hygiene of the student apartment and environmental sanitation in public areas. No personal items should be stacked in public places (including corridors).

  7. Students are not allowed to raise or hold animals, and it is forbidden to feed food to stray animals. Students should report stray animals to the Security Office in a timely manner.

  8. Students should place garbage in accordance with regulations, and must not simply discard, dump, or pile up garbage.

  9. Students who need to post posters, hang banners, display boards or carry out activities in the student apartment need to go through the approval procedures in accordance with relevant school regulations and report to the apartment office.

  10. Students are not allowed to engage in unauthorized commercial activities in student accommodation.

  11. Students are not allowed to smoke or drink in the student apartment, or to make loud noises that affect others' lives, studies, and rest.

  12. Students must abide by the management regulations to use the shared communication area in the student apartment to ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of the area and the integrity of the facilities, and to coordinate with the deployment and supervision of the area management staff.


Part VI. Rewards and Punishments

  1. The campus actively carries out the activities of creating civilized dormitories, praises the advanced, urges the advancement, commend the outstanding dormitories and individuals. The school encourages students or student teams to carry out public welfare work.

  2. The training or education unit records the student's performance in the student apartment into the archive materials such as the academic year identification, the second class report card, etc., as one of the basis for organizational development, promotion and evaluation, and disciplinary treatment.

  3. Penalties such as on-site discouragement and correction, written warnings, notification of criticism, restrictions on electricity use, forced community labour, disqualified from accommodation, and disciplinary actions shall be adopted for students' violations of regulations and disciplines in student apartments.

  4. In case of violation of this provision, but not enough to constitute school disciplinary action, the apartment manager or staff of the training or education unit will warn, discourage, correct and record; if the party refuses to make corrections, the accommodation affairs office will give a written warning and inform the student of the training or education unit, or the training or education unit will gives out written warnings, reports criticisms, and reports to the accommodation affairs office

  5. Dormitories can be restricted the usage of electricity for the following violations of regulations and disciplines in student apartments:

  6. Connecting wires or using public power sources privately.

  7. Storing or using dangerous goods and illegal electrical appliances.

  8. Misappropriating or damaging firefighting equipment, blocking fire passages, etc.

    (2) Students who have affected the normal rest of the person within the prescribed time (13: 00-14: 00, 23: 00-7: 00) and whose plot is seriously complained.

  9. The following violations and disciplines of a student in student apartment can be forced to perform community work in the student apartment:

  10. Students have repeatedly placed garbage against the accordance with regulations, and simply discarded, dumped, and stacked garbage at will.

  11. Students raise or keep animals and feed food to stray animals.

  12. Students smoking, burning gas stoves, candles or other open flames in the building.

  13. The school may punish the student under application system of student apartment for the following violations and disciplinary actions in the student apartment:

    (1) Students engage in bed rental and loan activities.

    (2) Students who change dormitories or occupy other beds without permission, preventing others from living in the dormitory.

    (3) Students staying with the opposite gender, staying in the opposite gender dormitory or off-campus staff staying in.

  14. Students who violate the Xiamen University Student Disciplinary Sanctions Regulations or Chinese laws and regulations shall be punished accordingly.

  15. If student is suspected of violating the law in the student apartment area, the Security Office shall cooperate with the public security bureau to handle it.


Part VII. Supplementary Provisions

  1. If other provisions of the campus regarding the management of student apartments are inconsistent with these regulations, these regulations shall prevail.

  2. The right of interpretation of these regulations rests with student office / accommodation affairs office of Xiang’an campus.

  3. These Provisions will be prosecute from January 1, 2022.
